Tips For Taking The Perfect Selfie
Taking the perfect selfie can often be a challenging task. Capturing the perfect shot of yourself is an art that is gradually being taken more seriously in this day and age. By making a few simple adjustments, you will be able to capture all of your best features in one go. Let’s take a closer look at some of the simplest ways in which to enhance your selfie game.
Lighting matters
The correct lighting is one of the most important features of any image and selfies are certainly no exception to the rule. Regardless of whether you are taking your selfie indoors or outside, be sure to stay away from harsh lighting at all costs. This includes white lights and direct sunlight. Also remember that while you should stay away from harsh lights, you also need to make sure that you have enough light to avoid your photos coming out blurry, as no amount of editing skills will be able to fix that.
The best time of the day to capture selfies outside is when the sun is low in the sky – before sunrise and after sunset.
Try tilting
When snapping your selfie, angle your phone a little bit up, down or to the side. Alternatively, you can try keeping your phone completely still and tilt your head slightly. Move your head around and be prepared to snap a few shots from different angles. Tilting is key for capturing a photo of yourself – taking a picture straight on is never a good idea.
Focus on your eyes
Whenever we look at selfies, one of the first things we are naturally drawn to is the eyes because it is how we find human connection within the picture. Just think about why the Mona Lisa is so famous – it’s all in her eyes. In order to take a compelling selfie, be sure to focus your eyes on the camera.
Make sure that you look directly at it. Concentrate and gaze right into the deep lens of your phone or camera. This will immediately draw people in and make your image all the more compelling.
Step out of the shadows
One of the most important things to remember when taking a selfie is that you need to avoid shadows. Even if you find yourself in the perfect golden hour for your portrait, if there is a shadow from a pole or blinds, it will never be as cute as you want it to be.
You can avoid shadows entirely by snapping your selfies in the shade, which is also where you can best enjoy the Bingo Australia has to offer. Try and find shade under a tree if you’re outdoors but if you can’t find any, angle yourself so that the sun is at your back. This will prevent shadows as well as prevent any potential squinting as a result of glaring at the sun.
Follow these tips to snapping the perfect selfie. They are quick and easy to implement and are sure to go a long way in helping you capture your natural beauty!