3 Tips For Better Silhouette Photography

Silhouette photography is a great technique to master. It’ll make your portfolio stand out from the crowd, up your Instagram game and give you a greater understanding of how to use light in your photographs. To do it well, you need to know your gear and how the light around…

How To Compose The Perfect Photo

Some photographs just look better than others. They can be of exactly the same subject matter, but still one will be more appealing than the other. For the most part, this has nothing to with the camera used or the editing processes. It’s all about the composition of the photograph…

Tips For The Amateur Photographer

Many of us would simply love to be able to capture the perfect image. We don’t necessarily want to become world-class photographers, but we want to be able to know and do enough to enjoy photography either as a hobby or perhaps even as a means to earning an additional…